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作者:   发布时间:2016-04-19 14:40:09


摘要: “春雨惊春清谷天,夏满芒夏暑相连;秋处露秋寒霜降,冬雪雪冬小大寒。” 二十四节气不仅反映天体运行规律、体现季节变化、指导农事,更重要的是,几千年来,它深深影响着中国人生活的方方面面,早已成为中华传统文化的一部分。2016年,中国文化译研网将与您一起感受节气交替中深邃的文化内涵,敬请关注。










There are 24 solar periods within each lunar year.  ‘Guyu’ literally translates as ‘grain rain’ and is the 6th solar term of the 24 solar terms. Guyu falls each year between the 19-21st of April, which signals an increase in temperature and rainfall as the sun reaches longitude 30 °, the ancients wrote "rain brings health to a hundred valleys ". It also the best time for sowing seeds and planting melons and beans .


" Qingming off snow , Grain rain off forst " As the last solar term in spring ,  Guyu means basically the end of the bad cold weather , the temperature rises again creating conditions greatly conducive to the growth of cereal crops.



气候特点 Climatic Features



During Guyu there is plenty of rainfall in the South of China. The first heavy rain usually occurs during this time of the year.  It is favorable time to plant rice and corn , cotton seedlings.   In years when parts of South China have less rain, irrigation measures need to be taken to mitigate the effects of drought .




In Ancinent China Guyu was divided into three stages: " the first stage duckweed starts to grow ; in the second stage, the Ming dove starts to brush its feathers ; a sign of the third stage is when the Hoopoe bird is seen in the Mulberry ."   The cuckoo comes to remind people to plant their seeds.




Guyu Custom




Picking Tea




There are picking tea customs on the day of Grain rain in the South of China. Ancient legends say if you drink tea on the Grain rain day, it can help you to clear your ‘hua’ (hua is seen as an internal fire of stressful energy), it is also said to help you avoid evil spirits, and improve eyesight. People always go to the mountain to pick some new tea leaves to drink despite the weather conditions.




Eating the Toon vegetable




There are customs for eating toons on the day of guyu in the North of China. Around Guyu is the season to tastetoon. Around this time, the toon is very tasty and full of nutrients. As the saying goes “the toon before the rain is as tender as the silk.” Toon can improve immunity, calm the stomach. Stop diarrhoea, smooth your skin, reduce inflammation, and is said to have antibacterial and insecticidal effects.




The Ocean Sacrifice custom




For fisherfolk , the popular customs during the Guyu season is to make a sacrifice to the ocean. During Guyu many fish migrate to the shallow waters. It is a very good time to go fishing in the sea. As the saying goes , " Start to cast the finishing net on Grain rain days." The wish is to have a safe trip to the sea , and come back with a full boat of fish. Fishermen hold a Sea Festival, to pray to the God of the Oceans to bless them in their work.


In the old villages there is a Tanah Lot or Goddess Temple , this is a time to worship , the fishermen carry offerings to the temple of the sea, and to the Goddess Temple to worship. With sea offerings, drum playing, setting off firecrackers and sacrifices facing the sea, this is a very important festival to the villagers.




“Peach blossom water” Bath




The river water during Grain rain season is considered very precious. In the northwest of China, people call the water of the river in Grain rain seaon "Peach Blossom Water ", legend has it that bathing in this water can get rid of the evil spirits . During Grain rain Festival , People bathe themselves with " peach blossom water" , go hunting , dancing and other activities to celebrate the day.




Admiring Peoney




Peony flowers bloom at the time of the Grain rain season. Therefore, the Peony flowers are also known as Guyu flowers and a symbol said to bring prosperity. “Watching peony flowers  in GuYu is a custom lasting for three dynasties " ,The tradition of watching peony during the Grainrain season has been carried down through millennia. Where peony blossom you will find pretty women gathered. And at night people gather by the flowers to enjoy the flowers and wine with lights, which is known as the “feast of flowers " . Gu Lu of Qing dynasty wrote in the book named  Qing Jia Lu : " Men of business gather by the temple , and with the first rain fall of Guyu season flowers blossom before their eyes . Beauty beyond belief and beyond compare, a beautiful home fit for the most beautiful of ladies."  To this day, Shandong Heze , Henan Luoyang, , Sichuan Pengzhou celebrate the Grain rain season with a glorious Peony Fair to the enjoyment of the local people.




Grain rain health regimen





Spring is the best time for practicing a health regimen, whether early spring or late spring, it really does not matter. According to the ancient books, healthy practices at this time yield twice the benefit for half the effort.

Grain rain season rain fall increases the humidity and the risk of Neuralgia this include the cases of neuralgia associated with the ribs, ischium, Trigeminal. Warm weather encourage people to spend more time outdoors, also increasing the risk of hay fever,rhinitis ,allergic asthma. The high protein and high calorie diet associated with winter is no longer advised in spring time.





Poems About the Grain rain




[] 陆希声








