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作者:文| 李山川 翻译| 曾佳宁   发布时间:2016-02-15 17:30:51


摘要: 从二十三日祭神,到二十九日祭祖;从二十四日忙环境卫生,到二十七日搞个人卫生;从二十六日准备肉食,到二十八日准备主食。中国人忙而不乱,从容淡定地迎接新年。在一项项看似繁琐的准备工作中,人们细细品味着自己的生活,品味着祖先留下来的文化。



     The Chinese character for “year” (, Nian) is derived from a oracle bone character consisting of “” (He, rice seedling) and “” (Ren, man). Since “” stands for grains, “” means harvesting crops. The Chinese plant in spring, cultivate in summer, harvest in autumn and store food in winter. All the hard work throughout the year brings a bumper harvest, and the annual event to mark the harvest is the Chinese New Year (). 



     We Chinese have rather elaborate New Year customs. The twelfth lunar month is the “腊月” (La Yue, lunar December). During this month, the ancient Chinese would pay tribute to their ancestors with game meat. Today, specific customs are still observed on each day of this month. 


二十三 糖瓜黏

23rd Day of Lunar December: Serving Sugar Melons



     According to Chinese legends, on the 23rd of lunar December, the Kitchen God shall return to heaven. The Chinese believe that in their cooking stoves dwells a “Kitchen God” who observes the whole family throughout the year. On this day, the Kitchen God shall return to heaven and report his observations to the highest deity, the Jade Emperor. We had better “bribe” the Kitchen God by serving him tasty sugar melons (melon-shaped sticky sugar made of brown rice and malt), so that he only reports “nice things” in heaven.



     A Chinese stove is made by lighting up firewood in a hallowed mud pile. The Kitchen God is the guardian of the family, and the “stove worship” stems from the veneration for fire and earth. 


二十四 扫房子

24th Day of Lunar December: Tidying Up



     Now that the Kitchen God is in heaven, all households are ready for some rigorous cleaning on the 24th day of lunar December. Today, we take “扫除” (Sao Chu) as one word meaning to clean, but in ancient times, the two characters respectively mean “cleaning ” and “doorsteps.” The left part of “” (Chu) is the radical form of “” (Fu) meaning stairs, while the right part “” looks like a house. So “” means “doorsteps.”



     In ancient China, the doorsteps were regarded as the “face” of a family. In the advent of the New Year, all households would tidy up every corner of their homes, and get prepared for some joyful festive celebrations.  


二十五 吃豆腐

25th Day of Lunar December: Making Tofu



     Folklore has it that the Jade Emperor is concerned about the impartiality of Kitchen God, so he would personally visit the homes on the 25th of lunar December. The everyday Chinese could take this opportunity to express their wishes and requests to the Jade Emperor. And they pray for blessings by making tofu.



      The Chinese word for tofu is “豆腐” (Dou Fu), and “” is a homophone of “” (blessings). The left part of “” is the radical form of “” (Shi), which means the altar for worship. The right part of “” is not interpreted as “一口田”, but as a wine jar because the ancient Chinese would use wine to pray for blessings. 



By making tofu, the Chinese also express their wish for success with a critical procedure of filtering the soybean juice. The ancient Chinese referred to this step as “” (Lu), a homophone of “” (success). 



     Besides, tofu is believed to boost “longevity.” As a Chinese idiom puts it, “vegetables and tofu” keeps one healthy. Tofu is a well-known healthy food. The wise and diligent Chinese have been using this simple and subtle way of “making tofu” to pray for blessings, success and longevity for generations. 


二十六 煮大肉

26th Day of Lunar December: Cooking Meat



      The lunar December “腊月” (La Yue) was called “祭月” (Ji Yue, worship month) in ancient times. The left part of “” means “meat”, and the right part is a component of “” (Lie) meaning “hunting.” “腊月” therefore means “the month for worshiping deity and ancestors with game meat.” On the 26th day of lunar December, the ancient Chinese would cook meat to worship, and also treat themselves with a good meal.



     The character “” (Ji, worship) presents a scene where a hand puts some meat on the altar. 



Cattle were exclusively used for royal worship ceremonies by emperors, because they were important for agriculture and transportation. 



Ancient officials would use sheep for such worship ceremonies, because sheep was thought to embody the character of a gentleman. The Chinese character for sheep is “” (Yang). It is also found in many auspicious characters, like “” (Xiang, auspicious), “” (Shan, kind) and “” (Mei, beautiful). 



     The everyday Chinese would use pigs for worship activities. The character “” (Jia, family) consists of a “” (the radical form of “”, house) and “”, meaning pig. Thus, the character “” means “a family worship activity with a cooked pig under the roof.” No matter how far apart two Chinese are in the family tree, as long as they worship the same ancestor with the same meat, they are considered “family.”


二十七 洗病疾

27th Day of Lunar December: Taking a Shower



     After cooking meat and preparing for worship on the 26th of lunar December, one must take a shower on the 27th of lunar December. Taking a bath before worship activities shows people’s respect for the ancestors. The Chinese believe that taking a shower on the 27th of lunar December drives away all bad fortune and diseases for the whole year. The word for “taking a shower” is “洗澡” (Xi Zao), and the first character “” (Xi, wash) is a homophone of “” (Xi, happiness). So the Chinese also believe taking a shower brings happiness. If one waits until the next day to take a bath, he or she will only be “cleaning up on the 28th of lunar December.”



The character “” (Tai) shows a scene where two hands pour shower water on a person, and “泰国” (Tai Guo, Thailand) has a celebration custom of “sprinkling water,” a custom shared by the Dai ethic group in China. 



     According to traditional Chinese culture, taking a shower cleanses both body and soul. The character “” also means peace and stability. By taking a bath before the New Year, the Chinese are actually praying for good fortune in the next year. It is indeed an easy and economical way to celebrate the New Year. 


二十八 把面发

28th Day of Lunar December: Leavening the Dough



     The old customs forbade steaming bread between the first and the fifth day of lunar January. Chinese households must therefore prepare enough staple food for those five days by leavening enough dough on the 28th of lunar December. This was because without refrigerators, food made of unleavened dough went bad easily, while food made of “leavened dough” (发面, Fa Mian) was easier to preserve. 


The character “” (Mian) originally means face. The “” inserted in “” refers to an eye, because the most significant feature of a face is the eyes.


腊月二十八日所发的,其实是的简化字。组成,只表示读音。 在古代,是一个字,因为小麦并不是中国土生土长的作物,是从西域来到中原的。

     The “” (Mian, dough) unleavened on the 28th of lunar December is actually a simplified version of “” (Mian). In the character “”, the “” part defines the pronunciation. The “” (Mai, wheat) part and the character “” (Lai, come) share the same origin. Wheat is not a local crop; it “came” to China from the western regions. 


二十九 请祖酒

29th Day of Lunar December: Inviting Ancestors



The custom for the 29th of lunar December is inviting ancestors in the morning by serving rice wine. Folk ballades sing, “On the 29th day of lunar December, let us visit the grave of our ancestors and invite them to join the Spring Festival feast.” The Chinese would invite their late ancestors to share the joy of Spring Festival. Filial piety means revering both the deceased and the elderly. 



” (Xiang or Heng) and “” (Xiang) are two characters of the same origin, both meaning paying tribute to the ancestors in the family temple. In seal script, these characters are written as “” (Xiang), with the lower part “” meaning “to eat”.



 “” (Xiang) means to enjoy, and “” (Xiang) refers to the wares containing food. So the two characters mean the ancestors enjoy the food served by the descendants. It is for this reason that “” also means to receive, and “” means a smooth connection (pronounced as Heng for this meaning). The gleeful Spring Festival is also an occasion to honor the ancestors. 



      During the lunar December, the Chinese worship the deity on the 23rd and ancestors on the 29th, clean up the rooms on the 24th and freshen up on the 27th, and cook meat on the 26th and staple food on the 28th. This is a busy but orderly schedule for New Year preparations. The Chinese tend each seemingly trivial work in a graceful and peaceful manner. In doing so, we are savoring every moment of our life and absorbing the culture passed down by our ancestors.