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作者:朱艳辉   发布时间:2015-11-30 10:42:01













  初译:listen to and deliberate on the Supreme People’s Procuratorate’s report on the enforcement of and oversight over penal decisions


  修正:listen to and deliberate on the Supreme People’s Procuratorate’s report on its oversight over the enforcement of penal decisions



  初译:improve legislation on granting powers

  所谓授权立法,不是规定授权必须如何进行的法律,而是指立法机关(议会)在它所制定的一项大的原则立法中,规定将某些具体事项的立法权授予给某个行政部门、专门设立的机关、司法机关或地方国家机关。授权立法授予的是立法权。事实上,授权立法有固定的英文说法,就是delegated legislation

  修正:improve delegated legislation






  初译:Study groups led by members of the Chairperson’s Council visited primary-level organizations to obtain hands-on information about the work and development of people’s congresses in counties and townships and discussed new ideas and good approaches to improve their work.

  基层是具有中国特色的词汇,可以指代很多东西,外文中没有意思能够完全对应的词汇。在很多情况下,基层翻译成primary-level organizations是可以的。但这句话里的基层显然不是primary-level organizations,这里讲的是全国人大加强与地方人大的联系,从而帮助地方人大改进工作。从全国人大常委会委员长会议的角度来说,结合这句话的前后逻辑,这里的基层指的是县级和乡级全国人大,深入基层就是亲自到访县乡人大,以便更好了解它们的情况,帮助它们改进工作。

  修正:Study groups led by members of the Chairperson’s Council visited county- and township-level people’s congresses to obtain hands-on information about their work and development and discussed with them new ideas and good approaches for improving their work.



  初译:We kept to a problem-oriented approach and made our oversight work more targeted and effective.


  修正:We made our oversight work more targeted and effective by adhering to a problem-oriented approach.



  初译:We will link our legislative work with our decisions on reform to make sure that all of our major reforms have a legal basis and that legislative work is carried out proactively to meet the needs of reform as well as economic and social development, and let legislation play its guiding and driving role.

  这份报告是全国人大常委会工作报告,这里的we是常委会,那么立法工作的主语可以是we,但改革的主语不应是常委会,而是国家或者政府,这里讲述的是全国人大常委会需要如何开展立法工作,以便与国家的改革发展相互呼应、促进。同样,发挥立法的引领和推动作用翻译为let legislation play its guiding and driving role并不明确,根据上下文,引领和推动的对象显然是国家的改革和发展。

  修正:We will coordinate our legislative work with the country’s decisions on reform to make sure that all of the country’s major reforms have a legal basis, and that legislative work is carried out proactively to meet the needs of reform as well as economic and social development, thereby letting legislation play its role of guiding and driving reform and development.






  初译:We improved the organization of Standing Committee meetings and arranged meetings according to the agendas at hand, in an effort to raise the quality of deliberation. At Standing Committee meetings, committee members were more fully prepared and more eager to express their opinions, and their deliberations were better targeted and more effective.


  修正:We improved the organization of Standing Committee meetings and arranged meetings according to the specific agendas at hand in an effort to raise the quality of deliberation. As members of the Standing Committee were more fully prepared, they were more eager to express their opinions at meetings, and their deliberations were better targeted and produced more tangible results.



  初译:We will foster closer ties between deputies and the people; introduce guidelines on helping deputies to maintain these ties with the people; set up a platform for NPC deputies to better perform their duties; encourage NPC deputies to participate in the activities of the deputy contact offices of their respective local people’s congresses; extensively and directly listen to people’s suggestions; and open channels for absorbing and expressing social conditions and public sentiment in order to better pool together and draw from the wisdom of the people.



  修正:We will introduce guidelines on helping deputies maintain contact with the people in order to foster closer ties between deputies and the people. We will set up a platform for NPC deputies to better perform their duties, and encourage them to participate in the activities of the liaison offices of their respective local people’s congresses. Through these efforts to extensively and directly listen to people’s suggestions and to give expression to social conditions and public sentiment, we will be able to better pool together and draw from the wisdom of the people.



  初译:In order to thoroughly study and implement the guiding principles of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions and enhance our awareness of the Constitution, we held forums on “Intensifying Publicity and Education on the Constitution and Vigorously Promoting the Spirit of the Constitution”. In light of the modern and contemporary history of China and especially the grand history of the CPC leading the Chinese people in the long period of arduous struggle, in light of the great achievements made in China’s reform and opening up and the socialist modernization, in light of the achievements made in the praxis of comprehensively advancing the law-based governance of China, and in combination with our efforts to realize the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we must make intensive efforts to promote publicity and education on the Constitution to ensure that the spirit of the Constitution becomes instilled into the hearts of the people, thereby achieving a rallying of the people’s will and energy, a consolidation of the authority of the Constitution and our other laws, and the promotion of the full enforcement of the Constitution.


  修正:In order to thoroughly study and implement the guiding principles from General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions, we held a forum on intensifying publicity and education on the Constitution and energetically promoting the spirit of the Constitution. At the forum, we emphasized that intensive efforts must be made to strengthen publicity and education on the Constitution so as to instill the spirit of the Constitution into the hearts of the people, rally the people’s will and energy, and ensure full enforcement of the Constitution, and that these efforts must be made in light of the modern and contemporary history of China and especially the grand history of the CPC leading the Chinese people in the long period of arduous struggle, in light of the great achievements made in China’s reform and opening up and socialist modernization, in light of the experience gained in fully advancing the law-based governance of China, and in combination with our efforts to realize the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.




