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一周热词 | 嫦娥六号、高考、特朗普入驻TikTok、斯坦福大学AI团队道歉

作者:译世界   发布时间:2024-06-11 11:22:44





  1. 嫦娥六号完成月球轨道交会对接与在轨样品转移

  2. 2024高考开启

  3. 斯坦福AI项目团队就抄袭中国大模型致歉

  4. 特朗普入驻TikTok


  01 嫦娥六号完成月球轨道交会对接与在轨样品转移

  China's Chang'e-6 completes docking in lunar orbit with samples safely transferred


▲ 6月6日在北京航天飞行控制中心大屏幕上拍摄的嫦娥六号月球轨道交会对接与在轨样品转移动画模拟画面。(图源:新华社)


  The ascender of China's Chang'e-6 probe successfully rendezvoused and docked with the probe's orbiter-returner combination in lunar orbit at 2:48 p.m. (Beijing Time) on Thursday, the China National Space Administration (CNSA) announced.



  The container carrying the world's first samples from the far side of the moon had been transferred from the ascender to the returner safely by 3:24 p.m., the CNSA said.



  After the ascender took off from the far side of the moon on Tuesday morning and entered lunar orbit, it made four orbital adjustments. When the ascender was about 50 km in front of and 10 km above the orbiter-returner combination, the combination gradually approached the ascender through short-range autonomous control and captured it with holding claws.



  This is the second time that Chinese spacecraft carried out rendezvous and docking in lunar orbit, with Chang'e-5 realizing the first one in 2020.






  ascender /əˈsendə(r)/ n. 上升的人或物;字母的上半或下半)出头部分

  rendezvous /ˈrɒndɪvuː/ n. 约会;约会地点;酒吧等)热门聚会场所,聚会处 v. 在约定的时间和地点)会面,相会,集合

  dock /dɒk/ n. 船坞;船埠;码头;港区;供运货汽车或铁路货车装卸货物的)月台;法庭的)被告席;酸模北欧阔叶野草,用以揉擦被荨麻刺伤的皮肤,可止痛) v.使船)进港,停靠码头,进入船坞;使宇宙飞船在外层空间)对接;扣除部分工资等);入坞将电脑连接到扩展坞);剪短动物的尾巴)

  probe /prəʊb/ v. 盘问;追问;探究;用细长工具)探查,查看 n. 探究;详尽调查;不载人)航天探测器,宇宙探测航天器;医生用的)探针;探测仪;传感器;取样器

  orbiter /ˈɔːbɪtə(r)/ n.绕天体作轨道运行的)宇宙飞船;轨道飞行器

  orbit /ˈɔːbɪt/ n.天体等运行的)轨道;人、组织等的)影响范围,势力范围 v. 沿轨道运行;围绕…运动

  lunar /ˈluːnə(r)/ adj. 月球的;月亮的


  02 高考





  On Friday, a total of 13.42 million young people across China began participating in this year's college entrance test, known as the gaokao. This number is a record high since matriculation resumed in China in 1977, and marks an increase of 510,000 students compared to last year, the Ministry of Education revealed.



  The exam is considered crucial for young Chinese people, with results determining their university admissions and even shaping their career prospects.



  China's college admission rate has seen a significant rise in recent years. Nonetheless, the gaokao, the largest exam of its kind in the world, is still widely recognized as one of the toughest college entrance exams globally.



  Although the pressure is intense, it is considered a fair game for those who study hard, rewarding them with good scores and access to the country's institutions of higher learning.



  The Chinese government and the whole society have shown great determination to ensure the fairness of the gaokao.






  matriculation /məˌtrɪkjuˈleɪʃn/ n. 入学考试;大学入学许可;录取入学

  higher learning 高等教育


  03 斯坦福AI项目团队就抄袭中国大模型致歉

  Stanford AI project team apologizes for plagiarizing Chinese model




  An artificial intelligence (AI) team at Stanford University apologized for plagiarizing a large language model (LLM) from a Chinese AI company, which became a trending topic on the Chinese social media platforms, where it sparked concern among netizens on Tuesday.



  The apology came after the team from Stanford University announced Llama3-V on May 29, claiming it had comparable performance to GPT4-V and other models with the capability to train for less than $500.



  However, some netizens from X found and listed evidence of how the Llama3-V project code was reformatted and similar to MiniCPM-Llama3-V 2.5, an LLM developed by a Chinese technology company, ModelBest, and Tsinghua University.

  然而,一些来自X平台的网友发现并列出了Llama3-V“套壳”MiniCPM-Llama3-V 2.5模型的证据,后者是中国科技公司面壁智能与清华大学开发的大模型。


  In response, Liu Zhiyuan, chief scientist at ModelBest, spoke out on the Chinese social media platform Zhihu, saying that the Llama3-V team failed to comply with open-source protocols for respecting and honoring the achievements of previous researchers, thus seriously undermining the cornerstone of open-source sharing.



  According to a screenshot leaked online, Li Dahai, CEO of ModelBest, also made a post on his WeChat moment, saying that the two models were verified to have highly similarity in terms of providing answers and even the same errors, and that some relevant data had not yet been released to the public.



  (英文来源:Global Times)



  plagiarize /ˈpleɪdʒəraɪz/ vi. 剽窃;抄袭 vt. 剽窃;抄袭

  reformat vt. 重定格式

  protocol n. 礼仪,礼节;国际议定书,协议;条约草案,协议或条约的)附件;协定,公约)修正案或增补);数据传递的)协议,规约;科学实验计划,医疗方案;科学实验结果的)官方记录 v. 以协议形式发布;拟定

  undermine v. 逐渐削弱损害);故意破坏某人)的形象或威信);在……下面挖,尤指)从根基处损坏

  cornerstone n. 基石,支柱,基础;隅石,墙角石


  04 特朗普入驻TikTok

  Donald Trump joins TikTok




  Former US president Donald Trump on Saturday joined TikTok, a video social media platform that he tried to ban as president on national security grounds, attracting 3 million followers.



  "It's my honor," Trump said in a video post, which showed the Republican Party's presumptive presidential nominee waving to the audience at an Ultimate Fighting Championship game in Newark, the most populous city in the US state of New Jersey.



  To date, Trump has rapidly attracted more than 3 million followers. His debut post garnered around 33 million views within 12 hours and has now received over 2.9 million likes.






  presumptive /prɪˈzʌmptɪv/ adj. 很可能的;假设的;推断的

  nominee /ˌnɒmɪˈniː/ n. 被提名人;被任命者;投资等的)名义持有人

  populous /ˈpɒpjələs/ adj. 人口众多的;人口密集的


  来源 | 英文源自主流媒体,中文译世界编译

  撰稿 | 绢生

  制作 | 绢生

  审核 | 肖英 / 万顷

  终审 | 清欢