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一周热词 | 网易暴雪“复合”、辛普森去世、清明小长假旅游热...

作者:译 世界   发布时间:2024-04-12 11:37:00





  1. 鹊桥二号中继星任务取得圆满成功

  2. 暴雪与网易达成新协议

  3. 清明小长假掀旅游热潮

  4. 辛普森去世


  01 鹊桥二号中继星任务取得圆满成功

  China successfully deploys Queqiao-2 relay satellite for future lunar exploration


▲ 2024年3月20日,长征八号运载火箭卫星支架相机拍摄成像。鹊桥二号中继星与运载火箭成功分离,太阳翼及伞状天线顺利展开,图像左侧为天都试验星。(图源:国家航天局)

  The Queqiao-2 satellite has recently completed in-orbit communication tests, with its platform and payloads working normally, according to the China National Space Administration (CNSA) on Friday.



  The functions and performance of Queqiao-2 meet mission requirements, and it can provide relay communication services for the fourth phase of China's lunar exploration project and future lunar exploration missions of China and other countries, said the CNSA, announcing the Queqiao-2 mission a complete success.



  The satellite successfully completed a communication test on April 6 with Chang'e-4, which is now carrying out an exploration mission on the far side of the moon. From April 8 to 9, it conducted communication tests with the Chang'e-6 probe, which is yet to be launched.



  Queqiao-2 was launched on March 20 and entered its target highly elliptical orbit on April 2 after midway correction, near-moon braking and orbital maneuver around the moon.






  in-orbit 在轨;在轨道上;在轨道内

  payload /ˈpeɪləʊd/ n. 飞机、船只的有效载荷,有酬负载;车辆等的)装载货物,装载量;炸弹、导弹的)爆炸力,炸药量;航天器、卫星的)装备

  probe /prəʊb/ v. 盘问;追问;探究;用细长工具)探查,查看 n. 探究;详尽调查;不载人)航天探测器,宇宙探测航天器;医生用的)探针;探测仪;传感器;取样器

  elliptical /ɪˈlɪptɪk(ə)l/ adj. 省略的;隐晦的;椭圆的;椭圆形的

  midway 在时间的)中途;在两地之间

  maneuver /məˈnuːvə(r)/ n. 细致巧妙的移动,机动动作;策略,手段;军事演习;军队或船只的)调动,部署 v. 巧妙地移动;操纵,使花招;部署军队、船只等);演习


  02 暴雪与网易达成新协议

  Blizzard Entertainment, NetEase renew publishing agreement


▲ This photo shows CEO and Director of NetEase William Ding (L), President of Blizzard Entertainment Johanna Faries (C) and CEO of Microsoft Gaming Phil Spencer. (NetEase/Handout via Xinhua)


  Popular games by U.S. developer Blizzard Entertainment, including "World of Warcraft," will return to the Chinese mainland from this summer under a renewed publishing deal.



  The scheduled return, which will end a prolonged hiatus in the operation of these games on the Chinese mainland, was jointly announced by Blizzard Entertainment, Microsoft Gaming and NetEase.



  Games covered by the new agreement include "World of Warcraft," "Hearthstone," "Overwatch," "Diablo," and others. The statement said Microsoft Gaming and NetEase had also agreed to explore the possibility of bringing new NetEase titles to Xbox consoles and other platforms.

  新协议涵盖的游戏包括 《魔兽世界®》《炉石传说®》《守望先锋®》《暗黑破坏神®》等。此外,微软游戏和网易还达成了一项协议,尝试将新的网易游戏带到Xbox及其他平台。


  China has more than 660 million games players, and the actual sales revenue of China's domestic games market in 2023 had reached around 303 billion yuan (about 42.7 billion U.S. dollars) -- up 14 percent year on year, according to a report released during the 2023 China Game Industry Annual Conference in December.






  prolong v. 拉长,拖长感觉或活动)

  hiatus /haɪˈeɪtəs/ n. 裂缝,空隙,脱漏部分;间断;元音连读

  console /kənˈsəʊl/ vt. 安慰;慰藉 n. 控制台,仪表盘;电视机或收音机)柜;风琴的操作部分;带装饰的)支架,支托


  03 清明小长假掀旅游热潮

  Tourism booms in three-day Tomb Sweeping holiday




  The just-finished three-day Tomb Sweeping Day holiday, which started on Thursday, saw a tourism boom both in traveler numbers and tourism-related revenues.



  According to the latest release by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism on Saturday evening, domestic destinations nationwide received about 119 million visits during the holiday, up 11.5 percent from that in 2019.



  The travel boom this year, generated a tourism-related consumption of about 54 billion yuan over the holiday, with the number marking a rise of 12.7 percent compared with that in 2019, the ministry said.



  Spring outings, both to domestic attractions and overseas destinations, saw a remarkable increase during the holiday.



  Figures from the ministry show that the Chinese mainland saw 1.04 million inbound trips and 992,000 heading to overseas destinations.






  Tomb Sweeping Day 清明节

  nationwide adj. 全国性的,全国各地的 adv. 在全国

  spring outing 春游

  inbound adj. 入境的;归本国的;回内地的 n. 入站


  04 辛普森去世

  O.J. Simpson dies


▲ 当地时间1994年7月22日,美国加利福尼亚,O.J.辛普森在洛杉矶高级法院接受传讯,他对谋杀指控表示“绝对、百分之百无罪”。(图源:视觉中国)


  O.J. Simpson, the former NFL star and broadcaster whose athletic achievements and fame were eclipsed by his 1995 trial in the brutal killings of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman, has died of cancer, his family announced Thursday on X. He was 76.



  A post from the “Simpson Family” on Simpson’s verified X account Thursday morning said: “On April 10th, our father, Orenthal James Simpson, succumbed to his battle with cancer.”



  “He was surrounded by his children and grandchildren. During this time of transition, his family asks that you please respect their wishes for privacy and grace.”






  eclipse n. 日食;月食;重要性、权势等的)丧失,黯然失色,暗淡 v. 遮住…的光;使失色;使相形见绌;使丧失重要性

  succumb /səˈkʌm/ v. 屈服;屈从;抵挡不住攻击、疾病、诱惑等)


  来源 | 英文源自主流媒体,中文译世界编译

  撰稿 | 绢生

  制作 | 绢生

  审核 | 肖英 / 万顷

  终审 | 清欢