作者:中国日报双语新闻公众号、新华社、中国日报网 发布时间:2023-03-23 16:10:15
中国人民银行17日宣布,决定于2023年3月27日降低金融机构存款准备金率(reserve requirement ratio, RRR)0.25个百分点(不含已执行5%存款准备金率的金融机构)。
China's central bank said Friday it will cut the reserve requirement ratio (RRR) for financial institutions by 0.25 percentage points from March 27 to keep liquidity reasonably ample and better serve the real economy.
The cut will not apply to financial institutions that have already implemented a 5-percent RRR, the People's Bank of China said in a statement.
After the reduction, the weighted average RRR for financial institutions will reach around 7.6 percent, according to the statement.
The central bank said it would make prudent monetary policy precise and effective, better utilize monetary policy tools, keep liquidity reasonably ample, and ensure the growth of money supply and social financing basically in line with nominal economic growth.
The central bank will also make monetary policy better support key areas and weak links and avoid "flood-like" stimulus to promote high-quality economic development.
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